Before there was licorice, pistachio lozenges, halwah or baclava; before horehound, molasses taffy or any of the most ancient forms of sweets, for me, there was cinnamon. In our blufftop village above the sacred Brahmaputra river in northeast India they called it ‘dal seyni’ (bark sugar). I would pull weeds in the yard for hours […]
Cinnamon: Drug of Choice for the Pharaohs and for a White Monkey
Before there was licorice, pistachio lozenges, halwah or baclava; before horehound, molasses taffy or any of the most ancient forms of sweets, for me, there was cinnamon. In our blufftop village above the sacred Brahmaputra river in northeast India they called it ‘dal seyni’ (bark sugar). I would pull weeds in the yard for hours […]